
References used by Paws-itive Paws-abilities

Bockstahler, B (eds.), Wittek, K., Levine, D., Maierl, J. and Millis, D. (2019) Essential Facts of Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine in Companion Animals. 1st Edition. Germany: VBS GmbH

Bockstahler, B., Levine, D. and Millis, D. (2004) Essential Facts of Physiotherapy in Dogs and Cats Rehabilitation and Pain Management. 1st Edition. Germany: BE VetVerlag

Dyce, K.M., Sack, W.O. and Wensing, C.J.G. (2010) Textbook of Veterinary Anatomy. 4th Edition. Missouri: Saunders-Elsevier

Fischer, M.S and Lilje, K.E. (2014) Dogs in Motion. Second Edition. Dortmund: VDH Service GmbH

Goody, P.C (1997) Dog Anatomy. A pictorial approach to canine structure. London: J.A. Allen-Robert Hale Limited

Houlton, Cook, Innes and Langely-Hobbs (eds.) (2006) BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Musculoskeletal Disorders. Glouchester: British Small Animal Veterinary Association

Millis, D.L and Levine, D. (eds.) (2014) Canine Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy. 2nd Edition. Philadelphia: Saunders-Elsevier

Watson, T (eds.) (2008) Electrotherapy: Evidence-Based Practice. 12th Edition. Philadelphia: Elsevier

Zink, C. and Van Dyke, J.B. (eds.) (2018) Canine Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2nd Edition. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Marcellin-Little DJ, Levine D, Taylor R. (2005) Rehabilitation and conditioning of sporting dogs. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice. 35(6):1427–39.

Monk ML, Preston CA, McGowan CM. (2006) Effects of early intensive postoperative physiotherapy on limb function after tibial plateau leveling osteotomy in dogs with deficiency of the cranial cruciate ligament. American Journal of Veterinary Research. 67(3):529–36.

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Levine D, Marcellin-Little DJ, Millis DL, et al. Effects of partial immersion in water on vertical ground reaction forces and weight distribution in dogs. Am J Vet Res 2010; 71:1413-1416.

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